วันจันทร์ที่ 23 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2553

There is an ironic truth in the management complaint that computers have made the business so complex that if the power goes off or the information technology freezes up, everybody may as well go home. It has come to pass that we are so deeply invested in computers to operate on a daily business that we can not continue to operate without them. While this is literally true in many manufacturing and financial sectors, it is also beginning to be the state of affairs for nearly every company, and highlights the need for systems management software.


In the days before the information systems tidal wave, managers still made decisions based on information. Certainly the information was lower in volume and less sophisticated, but it was relevant information the manager could use to operate his business. The advent of computers allowed the manager to widen the pool of data he could tap into and therefore make his decisions more accurately and confidently. As this ability has progressed, the dearth of information has turned into a flood.


Given the right motivation, we can identify and collect an endless stream of facts concerning our business. There is information about the historical needs and uses of the product, what time of year it is most needed, what additions or complementary products most affect its use and so on. We can even spit details of which employee candidate pool is the most likely to successfully work in our industry and where they can be most easily found, attracted, hired and motivated. Unfortunately, we have not found a way to make the day longer or management more multitask capable than we already have. We can hire others to do parts of the business, but that in itself complicates the process and while we gain flexibility, we lose control.


While the data is important and even critical to a competitive organization, the methodology for gleaning information does impact the final data. Once all this data has been collected, the manager must make sense of it and put it to use in a practical way, a difficult endeavor made more complex by not having a good handle on the parameters under which it was collected. This is further complicated by the issue of time, just how much should be spent on the analysis of data?


Like all tools, the computer has the potential for enhancing decisions with data that engenders confidence and produces results. It becomes problematic when the tool becomes the driving force in the business. If management is spending more time using the tool than created and delivering the goods and services at the heart of the company, there is a problem. While the information and uses for it grow exponentially, management possesses an ability to use it which remains fairly stagnant, which means there is inefficiency in the process as a whole.


Not surprisingly, this phenomenon is known to information system specialists, who are working feverishly to reign in the complexities of using management tools. It should also be no surprise that the solution will likely entail software designed to run or enhance the existing management tools, computers in charge of computers. This secondary iteration of control is much like the levels of management in a company, with each successive level designated to run the level below, allowing the higher levels to focus on a more strategic role.


All leaders intrinsically want to have a feel for what their company is doing. There is no scarier feeling than being responsible for something and not having the first hand knowledge of what is being done to make it happen. This does not mean that the CEO of a company needs to know the name, start time destination and cargo of every truck carrying product within his company, that is what the management hierarchy is about. Unfortunately, the nature of man is to be curious, and if the data is available it is difficult not to get captured in the mountains of minutia.


This is the ultimate purpose of and advantage to using systems management software. It keeps the onus of detailed data input and collection distributed across a workforce with the appropriate specialists. Individual employees input the data relevant to their portion of the company process.The software then executes the appropriate queries to collate the correct data to provide managers with the usable information they need in a format they can readily put to operational use.

